The five best supplements for bodybuilding

When it comes to bodybuilding or muscle building in general, our bodies are often limited by our nutrition. And no matter how hard we train, sometimes we just can’t make progress because we’re missing important nutrients that help us achieve better results. Therefore, people turn to supplements.

Supplements are an amazing way to add valuable nutrients that help us build muscle, recover faster, or train harder. They boost results and push our limits, allowing us to make significant progress with each workout.

And even though we all have unique bodies and react differently to some supplements, there are 5 essential supplements every bodybuilder needs.

whey protein

Whey protein is a fast-digesting dairy protein that helps deliver essential amino acids to skeletal muscle. It is a foundation for muscle gains and the most widely used supplement.

The whey is quickly transported to the muscles where it exerts its strong anabolic effects. Therefore, it is often used as a pre- and post-workout meal to increase protein synthesis and improve muscle restoration and recovery. Whether your goal is to reduce body fat or build lean mass, adding a whey protein can speed up both the loss process and the gain process.

You can help with:

Recovery: After intense training, your body is desperately looking for protein to repair itself. If taken immediately after training, whey helps trigger rapid muscle recovery and builds strong, lean muscles.

Appetite Suppressant – Whey protein shake can even be used as a meal replacement or healthy snack that will increase the body’s protein levels and reduce daily calorie intake.

Amino Acids: Whey protein contains essential amino acids necessary for protein synthesis.

Recommended daily dose: 20-30g


Creatine is the second most used supplement and for good reason: it is a natural substance that promotes increased muscle cell volume, lean body mass, post-workout recovery and increased muscle performance.

Creatine, which is produced naturally in the liver, pancreas and kidneys, is mainly found around skeletal muscle tissue (95%), where it is transformed into creatine phosphate from which the energy molecule ATP is produced.

Creatine increases energy and strength, allowing for harder workouts and better performance, causing muscles to get bigger and stronger.

The level of creatine found naturally in our bodies is sufficient for ongoing cellular function and definitely not enough to cause massive muscle growth. Therefore, people opt for creatine supplementation to reap its full benefits.

Recommended daily dose: 5-10g

Branched Chain Amino Acid (BCAA)

Branched Chain Amino Acids, also known as BCAAs, is another amazing supplement that bodybuilders use to improve their workout results. Protein consists of 20 amino acids, and only 3 of them are called BCAAs: valine, isoleucine, and leucine. They help regulate protein metabolism and stimulate protein synthesis.

BCAAs have a function similar to that of proteins: they carry nutrients to muscle tissue and help muscles recover faster. They also serve as a source of energy during workouts, so taking BCAAs as a supplement can replace nutrients lost during intense exercise. They also improve metabolic recovery and reduce pain caused by muscle fatigue.

Recommended daily dose: 3-5 grams upon waking and 3-5 grams before and after training


Glutamine is the number one supplement for rapid recovery and therefore essential for all serious bodybuilders. Decreases muscle tissue breakdown during intensive training, which increases endurance and improves strength. It allows bodybuilders to lift heavier weights for a longer period of time and train harder, resulting in the production of leaner muscles.

Glutamine also helps preserve muscle tissue, which helps burn additional fat, while slowing down muscle loss. It also improves the immune system by putting stress on the entire body instead of just the muscle and quickly restores the health of muscle tissue, ensuring rapid recovery of the entire body.

RDA: 5 grams upon waking, 5 grams after training, and 5 grams before bed


Beta-Alanine (BA) is a naturally occurring amino acid that increases intramuscular carnosine levels by 60% in less than a month. During high-intensity training, the body accumulates large amounts of hydrogen, causing our pH to drop and us to become more acidic. This lactic acid can decrease muscle performance, cause severe fatigue, and shut down nerve impulses (causing muscle failure).

By taking Beta-Alanine supplements, bodybuilders maintain a higher level of Carnosine and delay the accumulation of hydrogen and all its side effects. BA also increases endurance, delays fatigue, improves force production and repeated sprinting ability, and works very well with creatine.

RDA: 2-6 grams per day, taken in smaller doses throughout the day

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