I learned the 6 P’s of success from my mother. When she was 12 years old, my mother founded a nonprofit youth entrepreneurial organization called Tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs Today. His main goal was to keep me and my friends off the streets and away from gangs.

For 12 years, he led a nationally recognized organization that received awards from the City and County of Los Angeles, the State of California, and from Presidents George Bush and Bill Clinton. He had the Non-Profit Organization of the Year for the United States. There were thousands of children who were impacted through his program.

The foundation of his non-profit organization was the 5 P’s of success (I added one more P). His P’s are:

  1. Passion (I added this P)
  2. Prayer
  3. Patience
  4. persistence
  5. Perseverance
  6. productivity

I have been making money as an entrepreneur since I was 9 years old. From watering the lawn to having my own vending machine company. I have done catering, network marketing and real estate. I discovered that passion is a key ingredient. Passion makes the sixth P. Some of these businesses paid for my graduation, college, professional licenses, and exotic vacations. The 6 p.m. job

Here are the 6 P’s of success.

1. Passion: a strong or extravagant hobby, enthusiasm, or desire for anything

In my 20’s I was all about the money. I went to school, got scholarships, invested in real estate, traded commodities, and was a manager at UPS. I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur, but I was looking for easy money. I made money fast and lost even faster.

I wanted the shortcut. I raised money for real estate projects that never came to fruition. I worked a job I hated and started companies in niches where I had no business. It took me years to find my passion for writing and speaking.

When I worked for an event staffing agency at USC and UCLA football games, I realized the passion these young players had. The passion was evident in his coaches, parents, and fans. For the players and the students this was a short-term event in their lives. These players and students would graduate and move on. But for that moment they had passion.

Passion is essential for your business. I see a lot of people who start a business because they went to a seminar, a friend asked them, or they stayed up late and so an infomercial. I have made the same mistake many times. Don’t follow the money, follow your passion.

How enthusiastic are you with your work? How excited are you about your debts and living paycheck to paycheck? Do you have that same attitude about the business you’re in? Are you working in a position that matches your skills, talents, and strengths? It took me until the age of 35 before I started living my passion.

Passion is the fuel that keeps you going when sales are slow, when you lose contracts, when your affiliate business goes out of business and the city doesn’t approve your plans. Passion drives you to take your dreams and turn them into reality.

Before someone joins my team, I ask them what their passions are. I want to know that you are passionate about internet marketing. If they don’t, I don’t need them on my team. Our passions have to align because when adversity arises I want them to endure.

Don’t worry if you’re not working on your passion. Find out what motivates you and do it ASAP! I lost years of enjoyment because I just made money and not working on my passion. Find your passion.

Pick a business and be sure to work on your skills, talents, and strengths. I never thought that I could earn money by writing and speaking. There are many people who achieve success and ask themselves, “Is that all there is to it?” Don’t be that person.

2. Prayer: a devout petition to God or an object of worship.

The definition says a devoted petition. Divine guidance will lead you to success. George Washington Carver prayed every day for some peanuts. Numerous products came from his inventions from that peanut. Through his devotion to prayer he created new industries from his discoveries.

This is not a discussion about which religion is correct. I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is my savior and I will leave it at that. Develop a relationship and spend quality time with your creator. Prayer has saved me from mistakes. Prayer has guided me and is a key component in the 6 P’s.

Prayer can lead you to important breakthroughs in your business. This is where your hunches and ah-ha moments can come from. Quiet time and calm bring clarity. Why not spend it with a higher power? I don’t like the word “pray.” Then find some meditation time. Call it whatever you want.

3. Patience: the quality of being patient, such as enduring provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaining, losing one’s temper, irritation, or the like.

“God, I need patience and I want it now!” I have struggled with patience. I want things to happen now and fast. In our society of instant gratification, text messages, 24-hour news channels, and get-rich-quick schemes, people expect success NOW. You get bombarded about losing weight in 5 days, making $10k this week, and getting it now with no payments until next year.

my mother preached TTTT. These things take time. The law of sowing and reaping is always in force. It takes time to test marketing campaigns, close escrows, and build a customer list. Patience is required to build relationships. Have your 90 day goals been extended to six months?

Passion and prayer strengthen your patience. Patience does not imply being passive. It takes strength to keep trading when funds are low. Patience helps you study trends so you can capitalize on them. Patience is listening to mentors and people who have walked the path you are on.

Developing a long-term perspective is the key to patience. Delay instant gratification and keep the bottom line in mind. If doctors can spend years in school, you can do the same by mastering your business.

4. Persistence: the continuation of an effect after its cause is removed.

That annoying word that people hate. Persistence is the active part of patience. I can remember my mother sticking with her organization. Attract funding, sponsors, events, and bring kids from local schools to entrepreneurial expos.

Persistence was the key to getting my real estate license, writing over 100 published articles, and publishing 600 blogs. Persistence is planting the seeds and tilling the soil until you can get a harvest. Persistence is asking for the sale, constant marketing and communicating your vision of your company.

Here’s a lesson on persistence:

Mark Victor Hanson’s book was rejected 300 times before he and his partner went on to sell 500 million books.

· Abraham Lincoln faced lost elections, the death of his beloved and failed deals before becoming the 13th president of the United States.

· John Elway lost 3 Super Bowls before winning back-to-back Super Bowls before retiring.

Persistence will serve you well. It is your best friend in life when you use it intentionally to succeed. Would you tell your child to stop trying to walk after he has fallen? Look into his past and see where persistence has helped him overcome obstacles. How did you feel? Also look where he should have persisted. Sometimes all it takes is one more try.

5. Perseverance: constant persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially despite difficulties, obstacles or discouragement.

To persist, you have to persevere. I remembered the flaws I listed above. Those people persevered. John Elway had three of the worst losses as a quarterback for a Super Bowl team. He was crushed by the New York Giants in Super Bowl XXI.

He was surpassed by Doug Williams, in Super Bowl XXII, where Doug Williams broke Super Bowl records and the Washington Redskins posted the largest margin of victory in Super Bowl history. He was bested again in Super Bowl XXIV, where he was again bested by Joe Montana’s record-breaking performance.

Three humiliating defeats. Did John Elway resign? Nope! He kept playing and 8 years later he won his first Super Bowl and the following year his team won again. This is a great example of perseverance.

Obstacles are on the way to achievement. Setbacks are a part of life and a process in your business. Logically, setbacks make sense, but emotionally we don’t think they’re going to happen.

Disasters are going to happen. Losing your biggest client, your downline abandons you, the trust didn’t close, no one showed up to your meeting, or your presentation was terrible. It’s going to happen. The question is how will you respond? How fast do you get back on your feet? Will you keep pushing forward? This is what perseverance is all about.

Remember the times when you persevered. It could be a project that took years to complete or that last repetition in your training. You have victories and these victories build your confidence.

6. Productivity: the quality, state or fact of being able to generate, create, improve or produce goods and services.

Are you productive? Plain and simple, you have to produce to be successful. You don’t make money until you sell something. His focal point is productivity and sales are his priority. The bottom line is that you generate traffic, that you produce leads, and those leads convert to sales.

Bring productivity to your sales teams and downlines. Hustle is not being productive. Focus on income generating activities 70% of the time and your business will prosper. Install systems that help you be more productive.

Even a one person empire needs systems in place. You as a rainmaker need to practice Do it, delegate it, defer it, or delete it. You can outsource, hire your kids, or use technology to be more productive.

These are the 6 P’s of success that I learned from my mother and practice today. She still uses them in her business at the age of 74. Implement and show them to your family, friends and team.