The uses and styles of the toilet tray

How many modern women know what a dressing table is? It sounds pretty overwhelming to just incorporate the word vain. The name arose a few centuries ago because they contained the elements that women used to look better. That is why the rest of the community calls them vain. Due to the invention of bathrooms and cabinets, these trays were used less and less.

Modern women may not realize that the decorative tray that contains their perfume is called a vanity tray. In recent years these have become an elegant and decorative piece. They range in size from a basic 12-inch to nearly 24-inches. It can be in silver, gold, or a painted design. Some are metal, some are glass, and the most common type for this item is a mirrored bottom. If you are looking for something more exclusive, there are jeweled versions that include crystal, crystal, real emeralds, or diamonds. These fall into defined status symbols.

A vanity tray is a great place to store your perfume bottles and turn them into a decorative piece on their own. This is especially good for all those perfumes you get for Christmas or birthday gifts that just don’t appeal to you. If you can’t return it, turn it into bedroom art. If you have a mirror background, be sure to clean it at least once a week. Only basic daily use and dust produce stains and dirt that are magnified by the mirror itself.

A more popular version of the vanity tray is to create your own using a picture frame of your favorite photos. This is easily accomplished with a regular wooden frame and two cabinet handles. Find the appropriate cabinet handles that match the décor of the person the dresser tray is made for. Attach the handles using the hardware that comes with them. If they don’t come with screws, ask your local hardware what size you’ll need. After attaching the handles, insert the photo (s). This makes an original and somewhat homemade gift.

Whether you are looking for an original type of toilet tray or something classic and jeweled, you can find it for sale. Truly a decorative way to keep clutter organized on your bathroom counter or on your vanity. If you don’t want to use it to organize tools, try hanging a larger tray on the wall for an ornate vanity mirror.

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