Tim Sales is a trainer for the network marketing industry and is the creator of a few different products like Professional Inviter, Brilliant Questions and Brilliant Compensation just to name a few. But is he really getting his money’s worth by buying these materials?

Let’s take a step back and find out why Tim Sales has created these products. Take Brilliant Compensation for example. This is a video of Tim Sales giving an in depth review of the network marketing industry. It goes through very logical arguments as to why Network Marketing is a legitimate business. But I think Tim Sales wants to do much more than just help others understand what Network Marketing or Multi Level Marketing (MLM) means.

Tim Sales has created a series of tools to help people Get the proper training to build a network marketing business. If you’re wondering whether or not you should make the investment and purchase one of Tim’s training tools like Professional Inviter or Brilliant Compensation, you need to ask yourself a few questions first.

I think a lot of people go into this industry thinking it’s going to be easy and they don’t need training on how to build a network marketing business. This is understandable as many people are taught to recruit others by saying, “I think this will be great for you” or “I know you’ll do well at this.” The truth is, no. In my four years of experience in the network marketing industry, time and time again I am amazed at who ‘makes it’ in this business. So some of the questions to ask yourself are;

– Do you need training to move your business forward?

– Do you have the skills to build a successful business?

– Do you know how to market and promote your business effectively, even after you’ve reached the end of your list of names?

understand this, your best thinking has gotten you to where you are now. Period. If you don’t think you need the training, then you should be happy where you are. Some people think that it is luck that builds their business. Tim Sales No.

Tim Sales has divided the activities of a network marketer into 3 basic parts. Invite, Present, Train. Tim methodically breaks down each of these activities and provides a step-by-step guide to what to say and how to say it. He gives you a better understanding of how to approach people so that you feel comfortable knowing that you are only there to help the other person. I have witnessed many ‘light bulbs’ go off with people who are exposed to Professional Inviter and Brilliant Compensation as they feel confident in what they are saying and what they are promoting.

Products like Brilliant Questions and Brilliant Communicator dig even deeper into the details to help people know what to say to potential customers and how to say it. So it goes without saying that if you are serious about building your network marketing business, you need to expose yourself to the right training. However, Tim Sales has a flaw.…and it’s just teaching people outdated methods. Sure these traditional methods can work (and for some they do). But approaching friends and family, calling potential clients, making presentations at hotel meetings, is not an attractive “business building activity” for many.

So if you want to improve your communication skills or have any questions about the industry, then yes, Tim Sales products are worth buying. Goal to learn new strategies To build and market your business, Tim Sales falls short. If you’re looking for more “how to build” answers, be sure to check out my link below.