Tips for penis skin care in the shower

Good penis care helps keep a man’s favorite body part in top condition. That includes the skin of the penis, which due to its visibility is vitally important. After all, when clothing is removed and masculinity is revealed, the condition of the penile skin is going to make a valuable first impression on a potential mate.

Most men know that hygiene, including proper washing, is key to healthy penile skin, but not everyone knows that care is sometimes necessary when showering to ensure that the skin gets the most benefits and the least. possible damage from the cleaning experience. .


Countless soap and cleanser commercials have taught us that lathering means sparkling clean. But in fact, when it comes to penile skin and foam, a little less can be more.

The bubbles and foam in soap and cleansers are caused by an ingredient known as a surfactant. This chemical cleanses, but also binds to the natural oils in and on the skin and removes them. When this happens, the skin becomes drier and rougher. Constant use of a soap with a lot of surfactants can cause the skin on the penis to flake and flake, which is definitely not desirable.

Another problem that can occur is getting nice and soapy and then not rinsing the soap off completely. Towel-drying excess cleanser removes the visible signs, but the chemicals that caused the lather are still present and do their best to dry out skin.

going long

Some days there really is nothing like a nice long shower to make a man feel great. And the occasional 20-minute shower is perfectly fine. However, constantly taking long showers does the skin on your penis no favors. After a certain point, the dirt and grime has been washed away, and as you continue, you’ll likely start to strip away the oils your skin needs.

some like it hot

Again, a nice hot shower can soothe sore muscles, and treating yourself once in a while is fine. But hot showers are really good at removing oils from the skin, and that’s really bad for the appearance of the penis. Warm or even lukewarm showers are best. If a man opts for a hot shower, keep it once a week or so.


Good penile skin care doesn’t stop when the water turns off. The drying process can also play a role. For example, using a rough towel can damage the skin over time. Also, it’s better to pat the skin dry rather than rubbing the towel all over it.

moistening it

Take a tip from the women: showering is not enough to keep your skin hydrated. What is needed after the shower is to apply moisturizing skin cream while the skin is still damp. This helps to trap moisture and oils in the skin, creating a “double whammy” that is excellent for penile and full body skin care.

Taking a shower to keep the penile skin nice and clean is crucial. To properly moisturize the skin of the penis after a shower, use a top-rated penis health cream (Healthcare professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven to be gentle and safe for skin.) is strongly recommended. Since strong “moisture lock” is needed, it’s best to find a cream that contains a combination of moisturizing agents, such as a natural moisturizer (such as vitamin E) and a high-quality emollient (such as shea butter). But the cream also needs to protect the skin against oxidative stress caused by free radicals. For this, a cream with a powerful antioxidant such as alpha lipoic acid is really the best option. Proper penile care will keep the skin looking smooth, supple, and attractive.

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