TV. It is there, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. There are hundreds of channels, for every imaginable taste.

But what can you do if you want to go against the trend and watch less tv?

Follow these helpful tips to help reduce your addiction to watching TV.

1. Use the “off” switch

Granted, this isn’t always an option, as other people in your household may get mad at you. But if you’re the only person in the room, feel free to use the “off” switch or at least the “standby” button.

2. Record the shows you want to watch

With today’s personal TV recorders getting cheaper, this is a great way to reduce the amount of TV you watch. Simply fast-forwarding through commercial breaks and show trailers will dramatically reduce your TV viewing time.

3. Sell all those extra games on eBay.

If you don’t need a TV in every room, why not raise some extra cash by auctioning off all those extra TVs?

4. Change the position of your main TV

Your main TV will most likely be the focus of the room. Make a quick switch and relegate your TV somewhere in the room where it doesn’t dominate things. Well, this may be easier said than done with today’s giant plasma screens, but give it a try.

5. Make watching TV an occasion again

Do you remember when you were a kid and you really wanted to watch your favorite TV shows? Find out the handful of “must see” shows and make an appointment with yourself to see them (and only them!). Maybe even buy some popcorn and soda to make it even more of an occasion.

6. Cancel your cable subscription

If the thought of this doesn’t send you chills, that’s fine. If you panic, write down the list of all the cable-only shows that you would actually watch (rather than the ones you watch because they’re there). How long or short is the list? Would you be able to watch essential programs in another way? Personally, I’m addicted to 24. But they release the entire season on DVD as soon as the last episode airs and you’d save more on cable costs than buying the DVD set costs. Just thought!

7. Get a new hobby

You’ll get the benefit of watching less TV and finding new ways to occupy your life. It is up to you whether or not surfing the Internet is a hobby; that hobby can be even more addictive than TV, but that’s another story!