Ok gang… get ready to get some network marketing tips here.

However… before we get into them, it’s time for some tips.

I have seen many netizens who are caught in the trap of being “readers and not doing what it takes to be successful”… And the real tragedy is that they have no idea that they are addicted to this information gathering trap. ..convince themselves that these activities are productive and help them succeed.

Now, while I am a big advocate of education and learning the ropes of the business… In the end, the only possible way for you to reach the heights of success in this business is if you decide that, from now on, you will throw yourself into the action. !

According to the 4 Compelling Network Marketing Tips I Promised…

Tip #1) Before you can be successful, you have to keep this in your brain…you have to believe it…success in the multi-level marketing industry is definitely possible for you…

At the same time, it’s not going to materialize out of thin air.

I know there are tons of stories of dealers making a quick buck overnight, however if you take the time to research those stories you will see that for the most part they are just fabrications…

The reality is that, like any other real business, success in multi-level marketing requires commitment.

Prepare for a two to four year career adventure… (much better than a 35 year strategy that most people in our civilization are trapped in)

Tip #2) Don’t worry about rejection!

I have seen dozens of networkers get excited about being rejected and end up quitting, when they were so close to making it.

On other occasions, team members have even told me that their friends stopped dating them because of network marketing.

Pure nonsense!!!

I… I am a really aggressive recruiter and have never hurt any of my personal relationships because of my home based business.

Appreciate the fact that in network marketing you will get lots and lots of rejection…prospects are going to reject your business…

Pay attention here though… I said it’s your business… you are in no way being turned down.

So get used to it… I’ve created within myself the sought after attitude that I don’t care if a prospect says no, it makes no difference to me.

Smoking Tip #3) The best network marketing tip I could show you is to understand that success in this profession is simple.

It really is… ALL you need to do is develop the skill of being able to build an ever-expanding contact list… learn to always add new prospects to your Rolodex.

Then all we do is basically show them your opportunity through a third party tool like a magazine etc.

Just pass it on to the prospect, and once you’ve researched the third-party tool, ask what they liked about it. It is for them or not!

If you constantly have people to introduce… MLM becomes a gang of EASY things!

Go Time Tip #4) Definitely start using the power of the Internet as part of your recruiting plan.

I’ll be the first to tell you that there are many ways to recruit prospects for your business.

However, the most impressive, simple, most entertaining, and by far the most profitable method I have found is to use the power of the Internet.

The Internet is obviously a powerful bunch… It’s here to stay and it works.

Plus, thanks to advances in modern technology, anyone can now set up their own system with no technical expertise required.