When holding back is actually a hug

Hesitation appears in the strangest places. You know you want something. Maybe you need it. Do your research and find out how.

So when the time comes to make the decision …


Something is stopping you.

This is one of the reasons people have jobs they hate.

Or relationships that should have ended a long time ago.

The need for a fresh start can be overwhelmingly obvious … and hard to act on at the same time.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be more decisive? Wouldn’t it be better not to have to fight with yourself when you want to act?

Well … maybe he wouldn’t.

Hesitation serves a purpose: a signal from your unconscious that something is not resolved.

What if every time you hold back, you actually give yourself a hug? You are not fighting with yourself, you care about yourself.

How much would that change things for you?

Because your mind is not trying to get you. After all, you and your mind want the same things.

You just have different ideas on how to get them.

Let’s say you want to quit your job but can’t do it. Ask yourself, what would quitting do for you?

You might find a better job … that might satisfy you … that would set you free from the rat race.

What if you stayed? What would that do for you?

It’s stable and secure … which means a reliable paycheck … that gives you the freedom to travel.

There you have it: both giving up and staying gives you what you want: freedom.

“But William,” you might say, “that doesn’t help me. My dilemma is much more complicated!”

Yes probably. This was just a toy example.

But I know this:

Your dilemma is not too complicated for your unconscious to solve. After all, where do you think the dilemma comes from?

And how do you know you have a dilemma?

If you recognize a problem in your life, it means that you already have the answer. Perhaps not consciously, but it is there.

Which means that if you go through the dilemma in the trance state, asking what each half really wants for you, you will find that you are on the same page.

Your mind is never confused about what you want, just how to get it.

And once your mind knows that you are looking for the same thing, the doubt disappears.

In hypnosis, we call this a conflict of parties. Different parts of you apparently want different things. The solution is to unite the trance parts.

The process can be as easy as asking each party what they really want … and then asking why they really want that.

But you cannot consciously interfere. So the best way is to run this as a self-hypnosis exercise.

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