Boomers are the most vulnerable of all age groups when it comes to dating. They’ve been through a bitter divorce, or their loved one passed away leaving them in the loneliest time of their lives. Many have saved money since their early years and have strong bank accounts, stocks, and bonds.

Growing old with your spouse was safe until tragedy struck. They are left alone to fend for themselves in a depressed state, wondering why life was so unfair to them. Some go to counseling while others take depressant medication and others seek guidance from their children, and some join dating sites in search of companionship.

Scammers have taken to the dating scene knowing that boomers are easy targets to wipe out their bank account. Boomers looking for a date need to go to a good dating site. They should ask questions and make sure the dating company runs background checks and checks on all members.

Help weed out scammers, criminals, and drug dealers. Although their system is not perfect, most of the losers will be rejected for membership. The biggest Boomer mistake is giving out too much personal information on your first date. Well-to-do boomers wear expensive clothes, jewelry, watches, and drive fancy cars.

They must dress casually like most common people. Leave expensive jewelry at home and wear costume jewelry and drive a cheaper car. Let’s say you find your compatible match and you look like a million bucks. If they like your date, they won’t know if they like them for their own sake or if they are looking for money.

Never give out financial information to a date or anyone else, or tell them where you live. After you’ve been seeing this person for a while, you can tell them where you live. You still need to be careful about scam games like leaving your wallet at home, waiting for a real estate deal to close, or getting into an accident and needing money until a check arrives in the mail.

Cons love to play the waiting game and are good actors. They know that given enough time, they can break you down to tell them what they want to hear. Lonely boomers are so lonely that they fall for any old game and end up losing a fortune giving in to the scam because they felt sorry for them and trusted their instincts that they were leading the scam right into the boomer’s bank account.

Make sure the dating service helps you with your profile, and be as specific as possible without giving away too much information. You will be matched with someone you like, but remember that it is not one hundred percent foolproof. Boomers need to be careful on their first date and all subsequent dates.