Why does my cat bite me and how do I stop it?

Cat bites are the second most common behavior problem in cats after inappropriate urination. Many cat owners simply don’t understand cat biting behavior and don’t treat it properly. Some owners have a bad relationship with their cats and end up subduing them. This is very sad. Don’t let this happen to you and your cat.

The first question you want to ask yourself is: does the bite draw blood and when does it happen? If your cat bites you very often and draws blood frequently, this is behavior that you need to stop. The best way is to carry a squeeze bottle of water with you. Every time you are bitten, immediately spray some water on your cat’s face. You want to lightly electrocute your kitty, not soak yourself. This sends a message that biting is not appropriate behavior. If you do this immediately and consistently, you will eventually stop your cat from engaging in this problem behavior.

Sometimes you are having fun with the kitten, either petting it or playing with it, and suddenly it bites you. You want to take note of his body language: is he sending you a “STOP!” message, or did he just switch to a different game? If he is telling you to stop, then you should stop. Maybe he’s bored, or just wants to do something else. You must respect your cat, that is the only way to have a good relationship with him. On the other hand, if he has switched to a different game, then the ball is in your court. Do you want to play this new game, where it bites you? Or do you want to stop?

Now you need to know the difference between your cat biting you and nibbling on you. One draws blood, the other does not. Cat bites that draw blood can be potentially dangerous and is a behavior problem that you need to stop. If the kitten playfully bites you or bites your knuckles or toes, he is just showing you that he loves you. All you new cat owners, this is NOT a problem. I repeat: this is not a problem.

Some cats just don’t know how to control their strength. Sometimes they were separated from their littermates or their mother too soon, never learning that biting too hard is wrong. Other times, it is the fault of their owners. You may have unknowingly fueled the cat bite problem. Either way, playtime can get pretty painful, unless you start using cat toys. A soft stuffed toy or stuffed animal is good. Let the kitten play and wrestle with it instead of your fingers. You’ll both have fun without the bread. Another good toy is a small ball that bounces well. Or something you can drag on the ground and let your cat chase after it.

Remember, don’t overreact when your cat bites you. You need to be sensitive to your cat’s mood: is biting a message and when is it a behavior problem that needs to be addressed?

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