Why should you have a squeeze page in your affiliate marketing business?

If you have been involved in the affiliate marketing business for some time, you must be aware of the importance of having your own list of subscribers. Having your own list of subscribers will allow you to do the following:

Building a good relationship with your customers
Recommend good products or resources
Provide them with good content and information.

To start growing your own list of subscribers, you’ll want to use the landing page. Capture page can be defined as a simple one page website that only focuses on collecting the details of the visitors like name and email address.

The capture page should have an attention-grabbing title and should list the benefits your visitors will get if they give you their details to join your list. If you are driving targeted traffic to your capture page and providing relevant content, some visitors will join your list to get more information from you.

Once your list starts to grow and you consistently communicate with your subscribers, you’ll be able to get more responses from your list each time you email them. This will allow you to earn money on demand. Having your own responsive list ensures that you will be able to earn consistent income from your affiliate marketing business.

You’ll want to start focusing on providing consistent value to your subscribers so they trust you and better respond to your email and offer. When you’re just starting out, you may not get results as quickly as you’d like because it takes time to build a relationship with your list. Focus on giving values ​​and your subscribers will soon buy the products you are recommending.

Having your own capture page will allow you to get your entire business moving in the right direction. You can start your entire business with less than US$50. The costs are as follows:

– Domain name that will cost US $10 per year
– Professional Hosting Account that will cost US$10 per month
– Professional autoresponder account that will cost US$20 per month

So you have to keep in mind that the monthly maintenance for this business is only US$30 monthly when you are just starting your business. As your list gets bigger, the cost of your autoresponder account will get more expensive. But this shouldn’t be a problem if you provide consistent values ​​to your subscribers, as they will buy the products you recommend and cover the cost.

If you didn’t have a capture page, start building your own capture page as soon as possible so you can start building your own subscriber list that will provide you with long-term, consistent income.

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