Benefits of growing your own vegetables

Eat your own vegetables from the garden.

There’s nothing better than sitting down to a fresh salad of crisp lettuce, firm pink tomatoes, onion, bell peppers and cucumber, all fresh from your own garden.

Afterwards, a beautiful baked potato, garnished with broccoli or cauliflower, also from the land of your own garden. The cost of this fresh and healthy food, almost nothing.

Most of the rubbish we throw in our bins, which is taken away and thrown away, such as old vegetable peelings, leaves, twigs, and most of the debris we call rubbish, other than plastic, can be put back in the garden for enrich the soil and grow. good healthy vegetables.

On top of these veggies only costing you the price of watering them, they’re so much fresher than any Super Market can sell them, and they even taste so much better when they come straight from the garden.

Another benefit of eating from your own garden is that you know that the vegetables are free of pesticides, which farmers use to keep their vegetables free of insects and birds.

Location is also very important when growing vegetables, as different vegetables thrive in different climates, and it would be best to see which vegetables suit your climate for growing purposes.

I am lucky to live in one of the best climates in the world all year round. Here in the city of Johannesburg, South Africa, we are located at six thousand feet above sea level, and although it is not the best place for growing vegetables, it is good enough with our summer rains and low humidity with lots of sun. for vegetables to grow. thrive on

I also grow a Zimbabwean delicacy known as chimolia, which is like a type of spinach vegetable, and you just plant the stems and the next thing new shoots grow. I even sell bunches of chimolia to the locals and that covers the cost of watering the vegetables when it doesn’t rain.

Potatoes are also quick to grow, about a month after planting, you can dig them out of the ground when you need them. You don’t even have to spend money or waste time driving to the supermarket to buy potatoes that were probably pulled from the ground about a week ago, or in some cases even longer. great hello! Your tomatoes too, you choose them to your liking, and they are firm and crunchy, a real delight.

It’s also a great feeling of accomplishment, when you sit down to eat, to know that all this delicious food is taken from your own garden, planted by you.

Ian Russell Smith.

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