It’s no secret that having good health means you’re living a great life. So, not surprisingly, why do some insist on boycotting healthy living? A healthy lifestyle is the gateway to a happy, fulfilling and fulfilled existence. It’s a domino effect: healthy lifestyle > healthy habits > a happy life. The advantages of having great health are overwhelming (in a good way), so it’s important to be aware of the benefits of healthy living that we may have forgotten about. We’ll see:


One of the biggest benefits of a healthy life is the amount of energy you will have. When you eat foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants, they give you energy that other bad foods can’t. So when your body isn’t burdened with digesting unhealthy food, you’re given plenty of energy to go about your daily activities and even exercise. The only drawback to eating healthy is that your body will have to adjust, and this adjustment takes time. Don’t worry if you tend to feel a little worse. That is your body taking advantage of your healthier eating and it will start to get rid of the bad stuff. Do not give up! Stick with it and you’ll soon be on your way to the healthy lifestyle you’ve always wanted.


So this really shouldn’t be a secret. When you lead a healthier lifestyle, you are undoubtedly 100% happy. Your diet has a lot to do with your mood. When you eat fruits and vegetables, you start getting the vitamins and minerals your body has been craving. Exercise can also improve your mood. When you know you’re working to be healthy and fit, exercise coupled with a good diet can really lift your spirits and give you the confidence and motivation to keep traveling. You will feel better about your appearance.

Do you remember the commercial giggles when they show that you are not yourself when you are hungry? Yes, that’s called hypoglycemia! Foods with less protein can make you feel a little hungrier and sometimes you crave it because your body is asking for something that it feels is missing.


Displaying healthy clothing also causes a domino effect in the case of sleep. When you eat right, exercise every day, and just live a healthy life, you tend to sleep better. You improve your sleep cycle so that when you wake up you feel as refreshed and awake as ever. And we all know how crucial sleep is to our well-being. With sleep, you can say goodbye to those bags and dark circles under your eyes and hopefully alleviate that lethargic feeling that most people exhibit when they don’t sleep well. Remember that 6-8 hours a night can really make a difference throughout the day.

But here’s an extra fact: Did you know that models sleep more than 8 hours a night? Yes it’s true! Sleep plays a very important role in weight loss. The later people stay up, the more likely they are to eat. Eating after 8 pm probably isn’t in your best interest because your metabolism tends to slow down at that point. That is why it is recommended that you start each morning with a well-balanced breakfast so that your metabolism can start doing its work early in the day. And to be honest, going to bed full is not the best feeling. You just feel great.


This one is BIG and also a ripple effect. Healthy eating, exercise, an elevated mood, and sleep help reduce stress levels. When you are eating healthy you have energy. When you have energy, you can exercise. When you exercise, you sleep better as well as being in a good mood. When you have a good sleep coupled with a good mood and peace of mind, you are instantly less stressed. See? Everything has an effect on each other. When your stress levels drop, your health improves, allowing your body to focus on other things. When you’re less stressed, you sleep better, think better, and function better. Who doesn’t want to be able to do all of that?

But yes, from time to time people “eat their feelings” and for the most part it is because of stress or anxiety. Food serves as a comfort to their bodies that they might otherwise lack in other parts of their lives. The goal is to fight these addictions, especially towards unhealthy foods that cause more harm than good to your body.

fight disease

DUH! This is really a no-brainer. When you’re healthier, you have far fewer medical problems to worry about. Normal cholesterol levels, blood pressure, arteries, everything becomes smaller (not to say they shouldn’t be checked regularly). Not to mention, if you do in fact come down with a common cold, you’re more likely to kick it off faster. Eating healthy can lower your chances of getting heart disease or diabetes or even depression. Much less to worry about when your health matters.


Also a no-brainer. Fact: Smoking takes years off your life. This is something we hope we all know. So when you avoid smoking altogether or quit, you’re doing everything you can to increase the length of your life or delay the years those cigarettes may have taken from you. The same goes for food and exercise. Healthier people tend to live longer; also a fact. It has been reported that the American Council on Exercise concluded that after an 8-year study, 13 million people who walked just 30 minutes a day significantly reduced their chances of dying at a young age.

No one wants to live out their late 80s with barely being able to get out of bed. A big trend in medicine is preventative medicine, the concept of trying to lower your chances of getting cancer or disease. Let’s try to enjoy every moment of our retirement and that includes being healthy enough to do whatever you want!

So it’s easy to see why there should be no reason not to lead a healthy lifestyle. There are so many benefits that could significantly improve the way we live our lives. Better sleep, happier moods, more energy, are just some of the benefits we receive when we increase healthy habits. Let’s get going and ignite that motivation that I know we all have inside. We are supporting you!