Category: Digital Marketing

Heal and control your online reputation

Shakespeare, in Act 2 of his play Othello from around 1603, said it best: Reputation, reputation, reputation. It is the original personal brand and one of the defining realities of our lives. For Solopreneur consultants and other freelancers, reputation governs the quantity and quality of projects that are made available to us, and therefore reputation […]

The essential tools for desktop publishing

There are numerous tools designed for Kindle eBook writers. Unfortunately, many of these tools are just a waste of time and money. In this article, you will find the most effective online publishing tools available to you. Identification of the best category and keyword/s Being a Kindle self-publishing writer requires more than just excellent writing […]

Tips to increase YouTube video views

Getting people to see your YouTube video creations first requires you to understand why they watch videos in the first place. In the broadest sense of this, they are curious about what you have created because their title or theme has intrigued them or someone has sent it to them to look at, which increases […]
