Category: Health Fitness

9 Plyometric Exercises to Burn Fat

squat jump This exercise tones your abs and legs. Squat down with your legs shoulder-width apart and your hands clasped in front of your chest. Now jump up and bring your heels together before landing. Try to reach the maximum height. Repeating this for 30 to 4 seconds will be enough. double jump Start in […]

Diet to help eliminate anxiety

Water There is no faster way to reduce general anxiety than to have good eating and drinking habits. One of the easiest to implement and most effective additions to your diet is sweet water. Water is a great thirst quencher, but more importantly here, it is a useful tool as an anxiety cure. Almost every […]

What is the best cardio to lose weight?

While cardio plays an important role in weight loss, this must be combined with proper diet if long-term benefits are still to be achieved and maintained. In fact, the right diet is a key factor when trying to reduce weight and improve your overall health. However, when combined with the right cardiovascular exercises for weight […]

Best Bodybuilding Supplements Tips

Let’s face it guys; Getting that dry, chiseled look that’s stunning and eye-catching hasn’t always been a walk in the park. You have to work for it and stay the course. Well, as summer comes to a dramatic end, it’s high time you took your bodybuilding efforts to a whole new fabulous level. While getting […]

My Personal Rev Abs Review

OK, being a Team Beach body trainer, we get information about the new products that are coming out. So in October 2009, we had an informative webinar on a product called Rev Abs created by Brett Hoebel. Brett Hoebel is an international fitness expert and one of the most sought after weight loss, nutrition and […]

slime volleyball strategies

Slime Volleyball is a very popular online game based on the famous half circle character named Slime. There is only one Slime game that is more popular than Slime Volleyball and that is Slime Soccer, which is only natural as soccer is more popular than volleyball in most countries. Playing Slime Volleyball is easy, but […]

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