Category: Technology

Types of Model Train Tables

The model train needs a strong and robust surface to allow the tracks to accommodate stationary and moving trains. The surface must be level, smooth and support the weight of a train with its decorative elements. Decoration items include buildings. Light poles, scenery, miniature people, animals, cars and trucks, and other accessories. The model train […]

IPv4 Vs IPv6 (Advantages and Disadvantages)

We can see the rapid growth of Internet users in recent years and this increase also creates challenges for Internet management groups, stakeholders and service providers. Day by day the internet infrastructure is expanding and we can even enjoy internet service in villages and remote areas. Increased usage also increases online devices. Initially, Internet Protocol […]

Data Security in Rural Banks

The day to day of Rural Banks has caused the amount of data to increase exponentially, which can transform banking as an institution. Processing of dependent data, such as government salaries, individual transactions, etc., can help determine certain trends, which can be used to validate and analyze the quality of bank data. However, banks’ system […]

man is for sex

Have you ever been in a gathering, either with friends of the same age or above, in a class or even a church gathering where the topic of discussion was about sex? I mean go into detail. That topic used to scare me! Sometimes I get scared of laughing. It was something I just didn’t […]
