Do you want to control your subconscious mind? 10 tips to get started

We all know Sigmund Freud, but just in case, he is the one who developed psychoanalytic theory and his theory. He affirms that our mind is divided into three different parts, the conscious, the preconscious and the unconscious, which are the basis of much activity caused by the psychic apparatus, the identification that is in the unconscious, the ego that is in the conscious, and the superego that is in the preconscious. His subconscious is the combination of our unconscious and preconscious mind and every day the two fight for a compromise.

An example of this is when you have the urge to eat while you are in an important meeting. Your id wants you to eat because that’s what will satisfy you, but your superego acts as a moral compass, telling your id that he can wait until the meeting is over.

It’s an example that can be used in different situations and sometimes it’s not always as simple as your superego asking your id to expect a reward. Sometimes it’s much more complicated than that and leads to a disorganized mind, but here are some of the following 10 examples of what you can do to reorganize and take control of your subconscious.

1. Learn to let go of your desires.

Many of the problems in their mind start with their unfulfilled desires, and as they begin to accumulate in their subconscious, they will begin to think that what they are doing to themselves is unfair and cruel.

What’s the point of holding back if everything means nothing? This is where you need to voluntarily change your mindset by letting go of those desires so that your subconscious can do it too. In the end, it will help you focus on what you need for yourself.

2. Express your wishes.

Unfulfilled desires sometimes come down to you not even expressing them. Because of that, your subconscious still has the lingering ‘what if’ thought and it will start to eat away at your sanity. The best way to get rid of such thoughts is to simply express your desires so that you don’t regret not talking about them. It can be a request from a family member, a need for change in a relationship, or something as simple as the desire to do something different with your life.

3. Allow yourself the little joys in life.

Your subconscious can guide you on the right path, but sometimes it will act as a hard moral part of yourself that will not allow you to enjoy even the slightest of pleasures. Learn to reward yourself for maintaining control over your subconscious and give it a line on what it can and cannot allow you to have.

The smallest of joys can leave a huge impact on your mental health.

4. Contemplate the needs of your life.

Although your subconscious helps filter many stimuli that you receive on a daily basis, it does not mean that it will always give you a clear path on what to do with your life. That lies within you and to guide your subconscious, you need to reinforce those goals by breaking many of the conflicting beliefs in your subconscious that resist meeting those needs.

5. Being in an environment that promotes positivity.

Your subconscious takes in a lot of information from your environment and plays a big role in shaping your behavior and mental health. So for the continuous improvement of your subconscious, you need to be surrounded by the kind of environment that promotes safety and comfort.

Whether it’s a good circle of friends or a place of your own that doesn’t have triggers that remind you of some past trauma or mistake. If your comfort zone is surrounded by people and things that alarm you, it is no longer your comfort zone.

6. Move before you think.

Ultimately, your subconscious is there to keep you safe and guide you on the right path, but as you already know, that’s not always the right thing to do for you and you need to move against the current that is your subconscious. What prevents many people from moving the way they want to in life is because they allow their subconscious to believe that they cannot achieve a goal in their mind without even trying whether or not they will fail. It is better to fail in the attempt than to fail without even taking a step towards your goal.

7. Use your mistakes to learn instead of holding yourself back.

If you fail, your subconscious will believe that you should not try again, as you will only get the same result. Your subconscious is only doing this to protect your self-esteem, so it will discourage you from doing the very action that will damage your self-esteem.

However, you can’t expect to always be good at something on the first try. You need your subconscious to know that so it doesn’t hold you back on your next round. That way, failure becomes a guiding lesson for you on what to do moving forward.

8. Balance your setback with your success.

As a way of reminding you of what you failed to achieve, your subconscious would bring up past mistakes that held you back from your goals. He will draw out feelings of anxiety and discontent within you that will cause you to give up on the goal you have set for yourself and make you believe that you are setting yourself up for failure instead.

To counteract that, you need to weigh your setbacks against your achievements. To keep your head up as you focus on your goals in life, you must have your subconscious balance thoughts of your setbacks with thoughts of your successes. If you focus solely on your setbacks, you will only think of yourself as a failure, and if you focus solely on your successes, you will be unable to see what failures await you. You need to train your subconscious to balance these thoughts, where you use your setbacks to avoid failure and use success to maintain your self-esteem.

9. Accept that uncertainty is part of life.

A primal fear that every person has is deeply rooted in their subconscious, much of their trauma and pain also lies there like sharks in the water. However, one fear that they all share is the fear of the uncertain.

The simple fear of not knowing what tomorrow holds for you and what you can do tomorrow or in the near future. Your subconscious will constantly have that thought going through your head, creating questions that will generate anxieties that will make you stop moving towards your goal since you feel that in the end it will not matter if tomorrow is the last. .

To avoid that awful feeling, you need to look deep into your subconscious, and instead of answering those questions, learn to accept that you don’t have all the answers to life’s uncertainties. You have to start believing that it is comfortable to move on without a concrete plan.

10. Be satisfied with yourself.

It is within our subconscious nature as people to never be satisfied with what we have achieved. You are not different. Either thinking that you can always do better than what you have done or thinking that what you did was wrong. It all means that you are not satisfied with yourself and your subconscious would tell you that and force you to improve.

To control that, you need to set a reminder to yourself that what you are is what you want to be. If you can’t do it alone, you can surround yourself with supportive friends and family who tell you that you are perfect just the way you are.

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