Gain Buff Fast – Muscles in 3 months

A lot of guys spend the whole year in the gym and don’t get much of a show. This is because most trainees just go through the motions and do not do what is necessary to getting better fast. You can put on a LOT of muscle in just 3 months if you do it right.

Getting a quick buff requires 3 things: Get up, Eat and Rest. That’s basically it.

LIFTING: Obviously you have to lift weights. Sure, there are bodyweight exercises you can do, but to get better FAST, these aren’t the most ideal route to take. You have to hit the plank, lift weights.

Now, to lift weights, you have to follow a solid routine that has worked for other guys. This is the fastest way to make a quick profit! For whatever reason, many men fail to follow a good weightlifting routine. But it’s really common sense. If there is a routine that has worked for many others, especially hard gainers, this is obviously the routine to try.

The main points for a good routine will be the following: Low reps, heavy weights, and old school exercises. Forget high reps and light weight. And forget about using all the fancy exercise machines or gadgets. Old school weightlifting exercises have worked extremely well for decades. They have proven to be very effective, so obviously these are the ones you want to use so you don’t waste your time with anything less than highly effective.

EATING. You have to eat to grow. Period. Get it into your head that for the next 3 months, protein will be your new best friend. There are all kinds of diet programs to gain weight, but the one thing they all have in common is protein. Eat some type of protein 5 times a day. This can be some smoothies, some eggs for breakfast, some kind of meaty dinner, and a steak sandwich for lunch. You’ll need to bulk up on other carbohydrate and fat calories as well, but make protein your primary focus.

BREAK. Here’s a BIG reason so many men don’t gain muscle quickly: They exercise too often. That’s how it is. Exercising every day is really negative for gaining muscle fast. Your muscles don’t grow in the gym. They grow during your rest and recovery period. So if you constantly stress them out by training every day, you are not allowing the growth process to take place! You need to space your workouts with at least a day between them. Many men experience great results by resting 2-3 days between workouts. Resting is absolutely key to getting better quickly.

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