If my ex is already dating someone else, does that mean there is no hope for us?

Your girl or guy is already dating someone else shortly after the breakup, or maybe you even discovered them with someone else before the official breakup. You probably think that this is the final sign that there is absolutely no hope for your relationship. Not so fast! Did you know that 90% of all rebound relationships fail? This is usually because the rebound relationship is based solely on physical attraction and lacks the building blocks of a good relationship. Like a house built on sand, rebound relationships soon fall apart.

When couples break up, there are usually flaws on both sides that the relationship doesn’t work out. Guys tend to stop paying attention to their girls, preferring instead to “hang around” with their friends drinking beer and playing hours of video games. What lady would not get tired of that scene! Now, it’s healthy for a guy to spend time with his friends letting off some steam, but when friends start taking precedence over your lady every time, she has a good reason to break up with you. You have taken her for granted, you have assumed that she will always be there, no matter what. Guess what? You thought wrong! You don’t have to be out drinking and dining with your lady every night, but you do need to give her a little personal attention to make her feel special. Why not cook her dinner for a change or pick out something to go and treat her to that DVD she’s been waiting to see? For not much money or time, you have invested in her relationship and made her lady feel special. If you can’t or don’t want to take the time and effort to make your lady feel special, she’ll soon find someone else who will.

Ladies, have you been playing the jealousy game with your man? You know what I mean: having wheezing fits if he looks at another girl. This is so dumb, and it gets old fast for your man. Instead of criticizing your man, why don’t you look inside yourself and ask yourself why you feel so insecure? Are you doing everything you can to get him to break up with you? Is your man really cheating, or do you feel so bad about yourself that you see all other women as a threat, even the 90-year-old woman who lives next door to your man? Control yourself and focus on what makes you a special person. You have to have confidence in yourself before you even think about being in a relationship, rebound or not! If he continues to act irrationally jealous, he’ll drive his man into another girl’s arms, guaranteed.

So if you’ve been neglecting your partner, acting jealous or petty to the point that you’ve left and started a new relationship, does that really mean it’s over? Not necessarily. As mentioned above, rebound relationships fail 90% of the time. If you can work on yourself, examining why your partner broke up with you, yes it’s actually NOT all your fault, you can begin the work of rebuilding your relationship. However, if you’re not ready to do some serious work on yourself, your breakup could be forever.

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