I want to share with you some thoughts about applying for online reviews of your practice.

The first thing I often hear is “Why would I want to do that?”


“A patient who has a poor outcome or is dissatisfied is not qualified enough to assess what I actually did right.”

I think both of these answers are important smokescreens that we should discuss: inaccurate, evasive, and understandable reasons why people don’t take advantage of the Internet for themselves.

Smokescreen #2.

Online reviews of my practice are amateurish, inaccurate, and unreliable.

FACT: Your practice can now be rated online without you knowing.

Angie’s list. Vitals.com. Healthgrades.com. Even on your own website or blog!

There are some famous cases of practitioners suing clients for libel, slander, tortious interference, but guess what? Those lawsuits only generate more bad press.

In this case, the best defense is a good offense.

I recommend that you start collecting customer reviews online. Ask your happy customers to rate you on Yelp or Healthgrades. Ask them to bring a copy of their grade to your next appointment and give them a thank you or a gift. No health or medical practice is above this.

(If you disagree, I’m happy to discuss it personally.)

In this way, you have a lot of positive recommendations, more visibility on the internet, a better placement and the credibility you are boosting, that is under your control. All this positive presence can outweigh the few customers who will turn negative on you online. And now you know where they are doing it, and they are surrounded by positive things.

try this for yourself

Just like last time, go to Google.

“Google” your practice category and your location, ie

  • therapist san francisco
  • “Milwaukee pain specialist”
  • manhattan nutritionist

Look at the first page of Google carefully.

  • Find the listed Google Places listings:
  • Look to the right of your business name.
  • See how many reviews they have.
  • Some have over 100 reviews (wow!) and some have few or none.

FACT: People don’t know or fully appreciate your experience. The Internet is a wonderful social tool, and people seek each other’s opinions.

Even if you’re above the idea of ​​online recommendations, your customers will be looking to see how many recommendations different practices have. Even if they hear good things about you from a friend, they may search for you online.

This is new word of mouth, and whether you agree or not, your potential customers are using it.

Your best option, and a resource that works for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, at virtually no cost, is to be on the Internet with your own voice, joined with the voices of others. the rest. If you don’t have time to do this, and I recommend you don’t do it in person, one of your medical office managers can do it for you. You stay focused on your practice. Let someone else focus on your online presence.

Feel free to contact me for further discussion. I welcome the conversation.