It’s a great feeling when your site appears in the first results. It’s a feeling you don’t want to end. Unfortunately, due to one reason or another, you may see your site’s ranking take a nosedive. Has your site’s ranking dropped? Here are some of the reasons why this could have happened:

the honeymoon is over

When you start doing the right things, like building high-quality links and driving traffic to your site, Google and other search engines start to favor you and therefore increase your rankings. When you get to this point, you need to continue to build high-quality links to keep your rankings rising. If you don’t, the search engines replace your site with another one that is doing the right thing.

You have many backlinks from spam sites

Spam links have been voted the top reasons search engines lower the rankings of some sites. Spam links are those links that you have not obtained naturally. They include: paid links, site-wide links, links obtained from reciprocal links, links from low-quality irrelevant sites, and those generated from generic directories.

One or two backlinks can’t hurt your site – the problem arises when you have too many. To prevent this from happening, you should regularly scan your site for suspicious links. The good thing is that there are many tools that will help you to do the analysis quickly. If your site’s ranking has already dropped, you should remove the bad links and let search engine engineers know so they can reset your site.

You have duplicate or thin content on your site

Today, Google and other search engines are dedicated to providing a great user experience. If you’ve been on the internet long enough, you should know that search engines and readers prefer long content. If you used to write high-quality long articles, but are now writing short articles, the lower ranking could be due to the short articles. The best way out is to resume writing long articles.

Having duplicate content on your site is worse than having no content at all. Before posting any article on your site, always check it for plagiarism in one of the many free online plagiarism checkers.


Here are some of the common reasons why your site’s ranking might be dropping. Do the right things and you will definitely see your rankings go back to where they were before.