Category: Lifestyle Fashion

Birthday cake alternatives

When thinking about birthdays, fun, gifts and cake are the three most important things that people ponder. The birthday cake is a particularly special tradition in many cultures, making it an integral part of any celebration. Cakes come in many shapes, sizes, and types, but some people find that there are an increasing number of […]

Brain Protection: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Lyme, MS, ALS, Autism, and Depression

In the case of chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, ALS, autism, Alzheimer’s, lupus, and Lyme disease, inflammatory proteins called cytokines cross into the brain. They do this through weakened areas of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). In the brain, they cause “mental confusion”, sleep disturbances, and increased pain, depression, and anxiety. Certain cytokines can deplete […]

Low-dose birth control pills

Reducing the side effects of birth control pills (health in the gallery!) Led to the reduction in the amount of synthetic hormones, estrogen and progestin, contained in them and the development of the ‘new generation’, low dose birth control pills . “Low dose” will not mean much to you if you do not know what […]

The dangers of feeding children soy

Do you give your baby more than breast milk? Does it contain soy or soy protein isolate (SPI)? The isoflavones in these soy milk substitutes are a serious cause for concern. Approximately 25% of bottle-fed children in the United States receive soy-based formula. Soy milk substitute feeding began in the 1970s. In 1998, researchers reported […]
